IV International Music Masterclasses July 1-7 2019 Avila Spain
TEACHERS 1- 7 July 2019
ALVARO LOZANO: Vocal and Chamber Music. The singing lessons will be accompanied by the pianist CRISTINA PRESMANES.
JESUS PLAUS: Violin SERGO LAZAREV: Violin and viola ELENA SHARAYEVA: Cello BENJAMIN RODRIGUEZ GARCÍA. Cello RODRIGO MORO MARTIN: Double Bass ALEXANDRA ANDREEVA: Piano and pianist accompanist CHEMA CORVO: Improvissation and Jazz for all instrument.
Course: 6 days of Course. Each student will receive 5 individual classes of 45 minutes in their specialty (2 individual classes will be with accompanying pianist); 2 Singing lessons to learn how to intone and work auditory education; 3/4 Classes of Chamber Music: technical and interpretive work; 3/4 classes of Improvisation and Jazz Techniques with Prof. Chema Corvo; 3 collective classes of Dance Therapy to locate muscular tensions. All students can participate in one of the concerts on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th July open to the public. Other activities: Swimming pool, visit in the night to the Wall of Àvila, tour around the ancient city, musical Cineforum. Monitors for students under age.
INFORMATION: Giuliana Cesarini tel. +34 616951341 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The students that will best take advantage of the course will be selected to participate in the V INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MYSTIC AND TERESIAN MUSIC that will take place in Ávila fthe first week of September 2019 at CITeS Universidad de la Mística.
Who it is addressed to: Elementary, professional and higher level students of Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Double Bass, Classical Guitar, Piano and Singing. Students who want to learn to improvise, harmonize and Jazz with Chema Corvo.
Prices: Full course of Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Double bass, Classical Guitar, Piano, Singing, Improvisation and Harmonization, Jazz, Chamber music, Dance therapy, €500. Price without accomodation.
Prices with accomodation: €500 (course) + €170 Accomodation 1 people accomodation in double room full board with swimming pool and classrooms to study.
Improvisation and Jazz course for any instrument with Chema Corvo 6 days: €190. Listener course €20 per day. Price without accomodation.
Language: Spanish, Russian, Italian, English.
Limited capacity: in order to stimulate a favorable context and personalized learning, the number of participants cannot exceed 40 students.
Additional information: It will be necessary for each participant to bring their own instrument, lectern, clothing suitable for auditions and concerts. Each student has to sign up for chamber music in advance to create the groups.
Director: Giuliana Cesarini
Ideation and Artistic Direction: Elena Sharayeva
Organization: MusicaProArt and Musicamos
Coordination of students: Layla San Segundo (Cello teacher at Escuela Municipal de Ávila) and Elena Delgado García (Escuela Musicamos)
In collaboration with: Ávila 1.131 Observatorio Activo (C/ Caballeros 17- 05001 Ávila) and Escuela MUSICAMOS Avila Spain