We regret to inform you that this year the Competition is canceled for reasons unrelated to the organization
We hope to return in 2020
Venue: Auditorio San Francisco, C/ Valladolid s/n 05004 - Ávila - Spain
Instruments Soloist: violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, piano, clasic guitar, flamenco guitar, lute, harpsicord, and sitar.
President of the Jury: Paola Volpe, pianist (President of XXXVI International Piano Competition Agropoli, Italy), Anna Baget (violinist), Elena Sharayeva (cellist), Rodrigo Moro (doublebass), Alfredo Vicent López (guitarrist), Alvaro Lozano (conductor), Naseer Shamma (oud), Ashraf Sharif Khan (sitar).
- Category A: Born from 1st January 2011 to 31 Decenter 2006. Free program 8/10 minutes.
- Category B: Born from 1st January 2005 to 31 December 2002. Free program 10/15 minutes.
- Category C: Born from 1st January 2001 to 31 December 1998. Free program 15/20 minutes.
- Category D: Born from 1st January 1997 to 31 December 1992. Free programe 25/30 minutes.
- The contest is addressed to all young people of any nationality.
- The candidate will present, at the time of his performance, one copy of the scores of each work he will interpret.
- The Organizing Committee of the Competition will hold a drawing to determine the letter for the order of the tests according to the initial of the first surname of the contestants.
- The candidate will come with his pianist concert master. In case of need the organization has pianist concert master.
- Application fee: 60€
- Application with pianist Category A, one rehearsal + competition: €120
- Application with pianist other Categories, one rehearsal + competition: €160.
- Accomodation 42€ single room, 37€ double room. Full abroad breakfast, lunch, dinner included.
- The list of admitted in each modality will be published in: www.musicaproart.com
INFO: Giuliana Cesarini tel + 34616951341 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Copy of the applicant's ID or Passport.
- Curriculum, repertoire, and video or audio registration (minimum 3 minutes).
- Invoice of payment €60/ €120 or €160 in concept of Application.
- The application can be made on the website www.musicaproart.com before May 30, 2019.
- Will be admitted a maximum of 20 participants in each Modality and by strict order of registration.
- All competitors will be present 15 minutes before the start of the first Prova.
- The non-attendance to any Prova will determine the elimination of the aspirant. All contestants will be accompanied with their pianist. In case of need the organization can facilitate the contact of two pianists: Alexandra Andreeva and Julia Beatriz Rodriguez Sanchez.
- The competitors who are winners are required to attend the awards ceremony. In case of not attending, they will renounce their prize.
- After all the Prova, the Jury will make public the results of its deliberation, being able to declare deserts the prizes that it deems appropriate. In any case, the resolutions of the same are unappealable, being empowered to resolve the questions that were not expressly provided in these bases.
- The public will be admitted in all the tests of the Contest, but the president of the jury will be able to evacuate the room in case of untimely or exaggerated demonstrations, continuing the test in private.
- All recording, both audio and video by attendees is prohibited.
- First award: 50€ and diploma (20% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila - July 2019).
- Second award: 40€ and diploma (10% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila -July 2019).
- Third award: 30€ and diploma.
- First award: 60€, diploma and 20% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila - July 2019.
- Second award: 50€, diploma and 10% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila- July 2019.
- Third award: 40€ and diploma.
- First award: 100€, diploma and 20% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila- July 2019.
- Second award: 70€, diploma and 10% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila- July 2019.
- Third award: 50€ and diploma.
- First award: 150€, diploma and 20% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila- July 2019.
- Second award: 100€, diploma and 10% discount in the IV Curso Internacional de Formación Musical Ciudad de Ávila -July 2019.
- Third award: 60€ and diploma.
SPECIAL JURY PRIZE "MÚSICA CALLADA": Participation in the 4th Festival Internacional of Mystic and Teresian Music City of Àvila (Spain) September 2019, at the CITeS during de II Worldwide Congress dedicate to San John of the Cross.
RECORDING RIGHTS AND PROMOTION: The organization reserves the rights to record all the competition and use the registration only for promotion.
- In order to assess the contestants, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:
- Expressivity: correct execution of the works and their indications of tempo, notes, rhythms, phrasing, articulations, dynamics, tuning, etc.
- Technical control: ability to solve technical difficulties included in the works performed.
- Sound quality: adequacy of sound style and repertoire.
- Musicality: artistic expression, formal sense, sense of musical style and ability to print the character to the work.
- Communication: intention, conviction, security and staging.